If you are wanting to advertise your business on the internet, having a website is absolutely critical. Everybody has a story about how they are working on it, will have it done soon, their brother-in-law is going to build them one, etc.
It is best to leave something like a website in the hands of professionals that you can count on to have your site up and running on time, and is available to make changes when you need them. Many websites can also quickly become outdated. Technology is changing all of the time, and your web site needs to keep up with these changes in order to stay relevant.
First Page Northwest is proficient in, and uses WordPress exclusively for all of the websites that we build. The WordPress format is the most popular format for building websites and the options are nearly limitless. or responsive website design for many important reasons.
If you are a business owner, getting your message across to your potential customers is very important to you, and it should be. A website is often the first impression a customer has of your business, and it needs to accurately reflect the image that you want to portray.
All WordPress sites are fully responsive. RWD (Responsive Website Design) means that a website will work on many different devices; from a small screen phone to a smart TV, and everything in between, including the printed page, screen readers that read out what is on the monitor for blind and visually impaired people, text-only browsers, and anything else that can be used to access the web.It does this by building on a solid base, then re-arranging and resizing parts of the page so they fit in any medium and can be viewed on smaller screens without zooming, panning and two-way scrolling.
From ipads, tablets, iphones, droids, wide screen monitors, and even watches, there are many different types of devices that consumers are using to get online and search for a business to meet their needs. Because of the varying size and operating systems in these devices, having a website that automatically adjusts to each device is critical to giving the same professional image regardless of how your site is being viewed,
Today, it is more important than ever to have a strategy to present your business on the web. By 2021, searches on mobile devices are expected to exceed traditional desktop computer searches by more than 37 billion annually. Is your website and your business ready for the mobile revolution? If your answer to this question is "no", or "I'm not sure", then it is very likely that responsive web design and development is what you need to keep your online presence relevant for the future.
If your business needs require an fully e-commerce capable website with the ability to place orders online, we can do that as well. We recently built a site for a company that sells ATV Track Systems. Click here for an example.